May 5, 2019| 11:47pm
Was talking to mico about this blog, he said that he wants to be amused that's why he went back to my blog to read my post.
I tried to go back too and read my post. I am not as amazed as it used to when going back, maybe it's premature or I'm just not really in the mood, But I still read back anyway,
It's just a matter of minutes when my attention shifted away and found another blog. I thought I know that person, I know his name but the person writing is a stranger. Nevertheless, the post he has is kind of cool and uplifting. Then, I got bored again. Next.
I went back to my blogs and started reading again. This is all while I am chatting with mico.
All these readings make me want to go back here again, hence this post. Ciao!
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